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  I have a strange love of storms. They make me feel energized. I suppose this is true of all storms, however the really big storms, like blizzards and hurricanes, the ones that force us to take precautions and threaten to cancel our plans, are my favorite. I am not sure exactly why, but I think it is because of the disruption of the routine. The adrenaline rush of preparation and the anticipation of the storm’s force are exhilarating. I feel gravity in the collective of it all; a sense of belonging that we are all experiencing the same big pause in our day-to-day routines that normally define our different schedules. And while I do not take pleasure in any damage that follows the storm, I find great beauty in it’s power to shine a light on the best of humanity. Neighbors helping neighbors. People checking in on the elderly. People sharing resources. It is visible love shining through the aftermath. It inspires me and fills me with hope. In a hurricane, there is a predictable w...

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